AMM Liquidity adjus...
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Poll results: Support the liquidity adjustment proposal?
Voter(s): 11
Poll is closed Jun 04, 2024
Yes  -  votes: 8 / 72.7%
No  -  votes: 3 / 27.3%

AMM Liquidity adjustment proposal

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 12
Topic starter
Eminent Member
Joined: 10 months ago

Hello BlockAI Community,

We propose to vote on the following adjustments after the Telegram discussion regarding the current liquidity situation:

  1. If necessary, we will first run some manual arbitrage to align the prices across the three AMMs.
  2. After that, we will pause the Base pool and allow Base holders, if they choose, to convert into BNB $BAI.
  3. We will move liquidity from Uniswap Base to Pancakeswap BNB to strengthen liquidity.
  4. We will try to find a solution to allow Waves holders to switch to BNB, if they want, before the Tier1 listing.


This is to:

  1. Gather liquidity on two AMMs until it becomes stronger, then we will reopen the Uniswap Base AMM.
  2. Provide everyone with the option to access Tier1 with their $BAI at launch.


The token bridge from Base/Waves to BNB is not required. Once the Tier1 exchange lists $BAI, it will allow us to add more deposit/withdraw networks after a couple of weeks. From there, all three networks will have a way to trade on Tier1 and bridge to another network. The bridge is only for those who cannot wait.


That said, let's all be clear that the team's main focus is on building, and we will return to this focus. $BAI is a utility token, and its price depends on organic demand, not on the team buying it. Please read the documentation to understand the token you bought. We will be focusing on building from here.
