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Potential exchange listing: MEXC

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Hi everyone,

We currently have the potential opportunity to get listed on MEXC, which is ranked top 11 of all exchanges on CMC, making it one of the most used in current crypto market.

Being listed in such exchange would be a huge catalyst for the project visibility, especially coupled with the upcoming public sale marketing campaign.

Of course, such listing have a certain cost and listing alone are generally not enough, exchange require minimum liquidity deposit, Market Making and a certain amount of tokens for the marketing campaign run by the exchange itself to promote the new listing.

We then would need an extra 70 000 BAI and for this would request it ether from the DAO treasury or as an advance from year 2 project funds.

- 30 000 tokens will be needed for the listing/ marketing

- 30 000 tokens will be provided on the exchange as liquidity

- 10 000 used to cover the market making over 6 months.

Note that on our side we will cover all the USDT cost/liquidity.

We are aware that we have several active members from countries not supported by MEXC but at the moment, this is the best opportunity we received that will with no doubts open the door to a lot more exchanges later. The hardest is always to land the first lidting from top 15.

This is not a voting yet, we would like to first hear our community opinion on this.
We thank you in advance.

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I am not in favor if this proposal as the circulating supply would be increased because of it. We cant afford to have additional 70K tokens in the circulating supply. 


I personally i vested in this project because the initial circulating supply was very low. But with this, the initial circulating supply would increase.

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Do keep in mind that any kind of exchange listing will require extra tokens for liquidity, all serious exchanges will ask for it or won't list the project. This is also why 8M are in the DAO, for these kind of things.

But on our side, we dont necessary need exchanges listing as we wont hold any tokens post initial sale so it is anyway on the community to decide.

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I say yes, 70k additional is nothing compared to the opportunity this brings. With one exchange eventually comes more.

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Total supply is pretty low. Circulating supply is ridiculously low. It should be increased in order to allow enough liquidity for trading and use the tokens for their intended purpose. 

Having a combination of CEX and DEX at launch is great to have. And I believe the deal is a very good one. Too much scarcity could be as bad as too much supply.

I am fully behind you guys. You know what you are doing.
